“Es Possible” – The French Face-to-Face Local Module on Youth Participation

June 25, 2020 Off

*Click the link below to download the programme feedback in French: As a part of Partibridges face-to-face module, the French team organised a week immersion programme back in February 2020, namely “Es-Possible”. Bringing the topic of youth participation spaces in priority neighbourhood, the module was designed to explore not only the theoritical aspects of participation,…


EKSI 25 Training on Youth Rights and Social Participation in Eskisehir, Turkey

April 24, 2020 Off

Back in February 2020, EKSI 25 organised a training on democratic rights, legal means and social participation mechanism. Specifically, it was dedicated to voluntary students with the objective to raise young people’s awareness on the government structure, civil rights, legal recourse mechanisms, and the various forms of participation in social life. As an active youth…


Partibridges’ Training Module on Youth Participation in Yeditepe University

January 20, 2020 Off

As a partner university of Partibridges Erasmus+ Project, the Sociology Department of Yeditepe University has successfully completed a 5-week training module, which included a variety of headings, such as social integration, empowerment, democratic rights and citizenship. The module was carried out in interactively incorporating various pedagogical tools. Through group discussions and activities, games, and arts…


Partibridges’ Participation at the Workshop of Youth in Transversality, Transformations and Transitions (JETTT)

December 16, 2019 Off

The 4th Workshop of Youth in Transversality, Transformations and Transitions were held from 11th to 13th December 2019 in Rennes. This workshop is organized under a project called JETT (Jeunes en transversalité, transformations et transitions) led and hosted by EHESP, aimed at conducting a research action to develop integrated local policies of youth in three…


Partibridges’ Transnational Meetings and Training Activities in Rennes

November 18, 2019 Off

The Transnational Meetings and Training Activities of Partibridges were held consecutively from 2nd to 8th of November 2019 in EHESP Rennes. It was an intense one week program with fruitful discussions, training activities, and sharing of best practices among members of the project. 28 participants coming from 4 different countries (France, Portugal, Turkey and United…


Soon..Partibridges’ Transnational Meeting and Training Activities in Rennes

October 20, 2019 Off

Participants from four countries (France, Portugal, Turkey and UK) involved in the Partibridges project will take part in the Transnational Meeting and Training Activities, to be held from 2 to 8 November at EHESP in Rennes. The meeting is aimed at coordinating, sharing pedagogical experiences and evaluating all related aspects of the implementation of the…


Sneak-Peek of Partibridges’ Participation at Erasmus Day 2019

October 17, 2019 Off

Annually, EHESP organizes Erasmus Day to celebrate the Erasmus + programmes promoting international mobility in Europe. This year, from October 11th to 12th, various activities were implemented through interactive stands and exhibition where visitors could discover mobility programmes coordinated by EHESP, and discuss directly with those who have been involved within. Partibridges was also presented…


Co-construction Process by the Portuguese Team

October 2, 2019 Off

The NOVA University of Lisbon and the Association Ala-Ala have actively developed their co-construction module which is one of the Partibridges Project outputs. By highlighting youth participation and coastal environment, the Portuguese Team have designed their local module with a title: “Greenspaces turn blue: Youth Participation on the Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning“ The module…


Collaboration, Creativity and Complexities Conference 2019

September 23, 2019 Off

Alexandre Pais from Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) had an opportunity to present Partibridges, during the Collaboration, Creativity and Complexities Conference (CCC) held on June 26th-27th 2019. This event was hosted by the Manchester Centre for Youth Studies, the Education and Social Research Institute and the Faculty of Health, Psychology and Social Care at MMU. The…