European module on youth participation

Welcome to Partibridges online module on youth participation in Europe!

Each part of the module has been co-constructed by the associations and universities involved in the project.

You can start by clicking in the Partibridges purple hotspot in the map, to see some common themes and contextual elements.

Then click on each purple hotspot to watch the teasers of the four units on youth participation in Europe and to access the rest of the units.

You can also find under the map a glossary of the main theme of the e-training.

If you want to learn more on how to use the e-training and how it has been created, you can have a look at the video recording of our final dissemination event or at the tutorial document.

You can enlarge the map by clicking on the icon in the top right corner.

Map design by Zoé David


You can find here some key elements we are addressing throughout our e-training.

You can find the content by clicking directly in the glossary or by looking in the appropriate country unit (FR,PT, TR,UK) in the map, and sequence (Seq1, Seq2 etc.).


Adultism UK Seq1

Anxiety to perform UK Seq3


Banking education (Paulo Freire) – TR Seq2 

Barriers that young people can face – UK Seq 5, PT Seq3, FR Seq3


Collaboration and co-construction between association and university – PT Seq1, Seq2, Seq3

Collaborative methodologies – PT Seq2 p3

Collective well-being TR Seq2

Controling youth Participation UK Seq2

Critical ethnography – PT Seq2 

Critical pedagogy, Problem posing education – TR Seq2, FR Seq2


Dehierachisation of Knowledges – PT Seq1, TR Seq2


Educated Hope – TR Seq2&3

Entrepreneur of the self, Self-governing , Life long Learning – UK Seq3

Example of young people actions – TR Seq3


Formal, informal, non formal participation – UK Seq1


Hope, Collective/Individual – TR Seq1 , Educated Hope – TR Seq2,Seq3, Seq4


Importance of neoliberal philosophy in question of participation – UK Seq3

Importance of families in youth participation – FR Seq2&3

Inclusivity and the role of youth worker – UK Seq5

Individual/ Collective Hope – TR Seq1 

Individualisation of the engagement – UK Seq3

Informal peer learning – FR Seq2


Knoweldge Plurality : scientific, local, traditional … – PT Seq1


Lived space, lived territory, importance of the territory in the participation questions – PT Seq 1 p.4, FR Seq2&3

Local context & needs – TR Seq 2, PT Seq2&3, FR Seq2&3, Partibridges hotspot


Over-sollicitation of young people – UK Seq3, FR Seq3


Participation scale (comprehension grid for participation) – FR Seq1

Participation of marginalized young people – FR Seq3

Participative Action Research – PT Seq2 & You can have a look on our methodological guide and webdocumentary on that point !

Partnership in youthwork – FR Seq3

Public goods and public spheres – TR Seq2


Social Participation – FR Seq1

Social Pedagogy – FR Seq2&3

Social Presence – FR Seq2&3

Social construction of Youth : what is youth ? – UK Seq1

Social transformation desire – In the whole e-training!

Spacial justice – PT Seq3, TR Seq3 example 2

Stereotypes on youth (youth as a problem/a solution) – UK Seq1 


Traditionnal knowledge mapping technic – PT Seq 1


Use of public space and participation – Fr Seq2&3


What is participation ? – In the whole e-training and more specifically PT Seq3, FR Seq1, UK Seq1

Why involving young people in organizations ? (benefit) – UK Seq5 p7


Young people motivation to participate – TR Seq2&3, FR Seq1 (Participation biographies), UK Seq3&4 (p13-16) (sense of belonging, self-governing…)

Youth work : What is it ? What Values ? – UK Seq4