PT – Sequence 1 : Knowledge plurality

Hello, you are very welcome to this Module on Knowledge Co-construction Processes. In the first activity, we invite you to watch a video that will introduce the proposed theme and open space for us to discuss, throughout this Module, concepts, theories, methodologies, and tools aimed at stimulating youth participation in its social spectrum. 

The video presents a face-to-face class applied to a master class in Sustainable Urbanism and Spatial Planning at NOVA University of Lisbon, based on a teaching module co-constructed by the Portuguese team of the Partibridges project – that you will get to know better during this module. In this video we would like you to understand the plurality of knowledge existing in our spaces and territories, and the need to create spaces for the encounter of this multiplicity of voices, without hierarchies, and in search of the decolonization of knowledge so that it is possible to co-construct a common knowledge. 

May it serve as inspiration for the next activities!


Don’t forget to put the English subtitles (bottom right corner).

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