“Es Possible” – The French Face-to-Face Local Module on Youth Participation
*Click the link below to download the programme feedback in French:
As a part of Partibridges face-to-face module, the French team organised a week immersion programme back in February 2020, namely “Es-Possible”. Bringing the topic of youth participation spaces in priority neighbourhood, the module was designed to explore not only the theoritical aspects of participation, but also the practical experiences by having field visits to meet various local youth actors.
This module was co-constructed and co-developed by Céline Martin, Zoé David (EHESP – Department of Human and Social Sciences), Pierre Durosoy, Yoann Boishardy (Keur Eskemm association), Anaïs Massot and Fabien Gautrais (GPAS-Group of Pedagogical and Social Development).
15 participants composed of EHESP Master level students and volunteers in civic service, took part in different interactive activities of the programme and shared their critical view on youth participation.
At the beginning of the module, they were invited to list their preconcieved ideas and what they know about youth participation in priority neighbourhood. Then on the next stage, through observational visit, they work in group to cross check their ideas with the reality that they found on the field. It triggered their analytical thinking and motivated them to find more information on the topic (bibliographical research, meeting with local actors, etc.). At the end of the week, each group presented its collective work by showing their “mind map” on several important points such as the different types of forms and spaces of social participation, the disparity between public policies in priority neigbourhood and the social behavior, as well as the different forms of professional support to youth participation.