Partibridges Final Dissemination Event
On Friday 25th June 2021, we have successfully organized the Final Dissemination Event of Partibridges. 105 participants attended the event from across European countries and beyond. It was a great moment of sharing among participants with various backgrounds: academics, youth professionals, students, NGOs, government members, etc.
Thank you very much to everyone for your participation!
For those who missed it, the event was recorded and is available on our YouTube Channel!
We began the event with some introductions remarks (video here).
We shared what we learnt on the co-construction process, which is a central point and a real outcome of the project (video here).
Then, we presented our productions:
– The training module on youth participation, available online on this website (video here)
– The webdocumentary and the methodological guide on participatory action research, also available here in full version (video here)
Afterwards, the discussion with the participants focused mainly on the impact of Covid-19 on our project and the possibilities of using our productions and lessons learnt in our practices.
Feel free to write us by email if you have any questions about our productions, about the process or just if you want to share some thoughts !