Partibridges e-training interactive games examples

Final Event – 25th June 2021

You cand find here some of the introductive and active games we used in our units.

And then please give us some feedback following this link :

French Unit – Sequence 1

Classify these images by dragging them to either the “Participation” or “Non-participation” side.

(Attention, for this to work you must move the images at least a little)

Not easy to choose? 

Neither do we… Indeed we believe that all these images can represent participation, in different forms!

Portuguese Unit – Sequence 1

Sometimes, knowledge has different niches for action in society, which does not mean that they cannot complement each other.

Let’s put your memory to work! Pay attention to the game below and try to find the photos that are the same, remember that these photos represent different niches and moments of action of the different knowledge studied in the project Partibridges Portugal. Good luck!

Turkish Unit – Sequence 1

Before starting the unit, let’s warm-up by doing the following activity. You will find in the grids some key words for the following unit.

Thanks for trying our games !
Please give us some feedback following this link :