Partibridges 3rd Learning Activity Week
Our third and last learning activity week took place from the 28th of June to 2nd of July 2021.
The forty-three participants, academics, youth workers and young volunteers met online during 5 days of fruitful training.
Just like in last learning activity week, the sanitary situation made impossible to travel to Eskisehir, Turkey, where the activity was supposed to take place.
As a compensation, the Turkish team shared a sneak peek of what Eskisehir looks like and how they work there.

The main theme of the training was structured around interculturality. This notion is at the heart of youth participation, youth work and social inclusion. Interculturality is to be taken here in a broad sense, where it refers not only to cultures from different countries, but also to social backgrounds or age differences.
The aim was to learn about the complex process of co-construction and youth work in an intercultural environment.
We shared some theoretical content on the question of identities, the intercultural approach in youth work or the de-hierarchisation of knowledge and cultures.
We also hosted some guest from UNHCR and Kirkayak Kultur to talk about the social integration of youth migrants in Turkey.
The working methods were participative and horizontal, each participant was in the position of learner and teacher during the week.
These learnings surely armed ourselves for future practices or projects in an intercultural environment!