Co-construction of the module within the French partners
One of the objectives of Partibridges is to develop a join European module on youth participation based on 4 local modules co-contructed between Universities and associations in each country partner of the project: Rennes in France, Manchester in the UK, Lisbon in Portugal and Eskisehir in Turkey.
On 8th March 2019, In Rennes, the French partners, EHESP, GPAS and Keur Eskemm have been gathered to discuss the objective of the module which will be developed for two Master classes at the EHESP School.
How to have a better understanding of participation through the analysis, the experimentation and the ability to identify non-formal styles of participation?
In order to have a common approach of the different issues of participation, it was decided before the meeting to share some theoretical contents concerning the definition of social, political and civic participation, the different concepts of empowerment, the pedagogies of Paulo Freire and participation of marginalized young people.
Stay tuned for more information about the module on participation!