Co-construction of the module within the Portuguese partners
March 25, 2019The NOVA University of Lisbon and the Association Ala-Ala have started to open their reflections on the development of the module on “Youth Participation on the Coastal Environmental Planning” to some members within the coastal community. Until now, their work has been mostly focused on developing a module linked with an environmental Master course at…
Co-construction of the module within the French partners
March 18, 2019One of the objectives of Partibridges is to develop a join European module on youth participation based on 4 local modules co-contructed between Universities and associations in each country partner of the project: Rennes in France, Manchester in the UK, Lisbon in Portugal and Eskisehir in Turkey. On 8th March 2019, In Rennes, the French…
Kick Off Meeting of PartiBridges
January 22, 2019“The Kick off meeting of Partibridges was held in Manchester from 8h to 9th January 2019 at the Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK. Whereas the project has started officially on October 1st 2018, the kick off meeting was the opportunity to launch the project for the 10 partners who were gathered “physically” for the…