Co-construction of the module within the Portuguese partners
The NOVA University of Lisbon and the Association Ala-Ala have started to open their reflections on the development of the module on “Youth Participation on the Coastal Environmental Planning” to some members within the coastal community. Until now, their work has been mostly focused on developing a module linked with an environmental Master course at the NOVA University of Lisbon, as well as trying to work on their own processes of recognition as a team and of deconstruction of scientific knowledge as a single true, always spying on them.
The “Partifishing team” NOVA and ALA-ALA designed a set of sessions, merged in one week, to receive a multiplicity of experiences through people with different coastal knowledge background. 16 collaborators have joined their first open meeting on 21st March 2019, among them: researchers, master students and teachers, fishermen, technicians, and residents of local coastal zone.
Under a circular methodology, in which the dialogical process in the cognitive diversity encounters is considered the core of any co-constructed process, the questions: Who am I? What means participation? were part of their icebreakers! A sequence of dynamics of participation has started after a brief presentation of Partibridges and a delicious Café com Prosa.
The products of the session (mentefactos and artefactos) have brought the complexity of the collective, becoming tools to highlight unities on their diversity – a strong feed to co-prepare their next session – to be coming soon!
By Mônica, Daniel, Marianne, Lia