Partibridges 2nd Learning Activity week
Our second learning activity week took place from 12 to 16 April 2021.
Although we would have loved to have been able to visit the Portuguese team’s premises and better understand their local context, we did online because of the health situation.
Forty-three people, academics, youth workers and students spent a week of training sessions in video. It was a week full of constructive exchanges, during which we acquired new skills and knowledge.
We focused on one main theme: implementing participatory projects with young people in times of pandemic. We discussed how to learn online, how to adapt participatory projects planned in face to face into online, how to create attractive and participatory workshops or online events… It was also an opportunity to exchange on the impact the pandemic has had on social work youth work and young people in different countries.
All trainings were carried out by active online methodologies.
Finally, the Portuguese team shared some moment with us throughout the week to show us their environment. For example, we did a virtual visit of the Ala-ala premises.
Next step : Our third transnational meeting will take place on 19 May online.